Purpose Driven

On the road less traveled the poet takes you on a journey of the mind… but as I read it , it is not the path you chose that determines your destiny but the path you did not choose that leaves you food for thought. Often the journey of life is a customized set of jukes and jives, some we have a choice in and some we don’t… Frost infers that we should be careful because there is no turning back…I do not agree entirely, some of the greatest expeditions in life have had to retrace their steps… often going off course is about rethinking, re-directing, and reevaluating your predicament… surveying the damage, and with new understanding getting back on track. The greatest coaches in the world make adjustments midstream and make corrections so as not to lose more ground and to establish and gain momentum in the direction that was more in line with the original game plan. Today’s new breed lives in a world where “the land of the brave” will never ring more true. When the leaders of this world {which WE are} begin to lead by making the adjustments necessary to breed upstanding individuals, that show up and perform as they are asked and most importantly represent sincerity, KINDNESS, and dependability we will become more unified. We are no longer benefiting from who you “know” it is now who you are… the search for purpose will supersede those seeking personal gain…The Sage in us will dig us out of a world where friendships no longer represent what they once did… when we align with a purpose we have the right to discuss different modes of operation… but the team is first and foremost of ultimate concern… when people skills are integrated into the furthering of a society that is growing further and further apart… we will curb hatred, that is the breed of the new Christian movement… not every man for themselves but instead team building the hinges on the precept that we are only as good as our weakest link… fall back soldier and make sure nobody is left behind. We are a platoon… we are each other’s teachers… good teachers are students of their students … good soldiers are able to take orders as well as give orders. An example of great leaders is they do not ask anybody to do what they would not do themselves. It’s time to join arms and lead… pray for God’s mercy and recognize that we can not do this alone.. recruit your tribe keep hold of those that set their eyes on God first and observe nature as their guide and partner. Knowledge can be imparted, but not wisdom. You can discover it, it can guide your life, it can bear you up, you can do miracles with it, but you cannot tell it or teach it. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

29Seweryna Rolfe, Geri Rolfe and 27 others5 CommentsLikeCommentShare