The time is here… where we will return to the depth in appeal… projections of the romantic duel… breath and heat … brains without ego… and toasts from a poetic core. My Dad use to say choose good bedfellows those that at an instant can acknowledge nature and can go deep when they sense someone is in danger. Indifference is always the grey matter that needs reform, if we don’t help each other to transcend our subconscious patterns and shed light on life’s process we will grow further apart. The duel is between two that aim not to harm the other but to score points through fair maneuvering… once our intention turns personal we aim to harm. So in the fairness of true attractiveness, let us posture and address with well trained intention and when we cross paths our honorable crest will be a safe passage for those of the same elk and the temperament of a conscious core. #newbreed