Unfinished Slave

The Dream is the resurrection out of life’s most dismal situations. What becomes indicative in the process Is the deliberate care one takes in the carriage of their soul through the fire…this character is emblematic of the struggle of man to free the spirit from matter. The gladiator comes to mind that in no uncertain terms life or death is the game plan… In terms of our life course, we are in a similar arena, And yet we tend to surrender before we are asked to complete… The dream is often a far fetched endeavor and in most scenarios, its met with skepticism and even a subtle foray of discouragement… what I have observed from our Lord is that the greatest man of all times with a concrete dream set within him… had the harshest of all obstacles on his road to his God quest… It is a path that I believe not one human would ever switch seats and yet many upon HIS victorious finish said they would walk in the shoes of Jesus… To sustain your ideal and move through the opposition… taking your beating but never being beaten… When you are forged and tempered through the fire there is not one person that dares to battle with the Spirit-induced visionary willing to put it all on the line. Our Almighty Father deliberately left us incomplete to represent this eternal struggle of human beings to free themselves from their material trappings. Free will is our gift and our enemy… The perfect will is the one that desires God’s will even when is stretches our limited understanding. When you operate with self-interests and bend God to conform to you, the devil has you exactly where he wants you… and God is nowhere even close to a recognizable character within your motive… ‘God speed” means patience and when you hear the call you move with urgency. My dad would say you must decelerate before you accelerate, the power always comes from the ground up. There is only one purposeful life endeavor and that is to articulate your dream. The longer you sustain a high-level agenda the more capable you will be of not only for-filling but manifesting a realization that forever fuels the impedance to drive through the finish line. When you do what no one else dares while saturated and flavored by failure and yet how sweet becomes the breakthrough and the realization once the vision becomes reality. Amidst these strange times, within the direst of the human condition, we are called out of the wilderness to breed hope, encouragement, and a gladiator’s heart. It is rare to find but we must attract the light energy to partner through the uphill climb… be the forward progress and follow God’s leadership to the very end.